Sunday, May 14, 2017


On Thursday and yesterday, we visited the artist colony Worpswede.
Am Donnerstag und gestern haben wir die Künstlerkolonie Worpswede besucht.

 Tietjens Hütte, where Peter and I celebrated our German wedding.
Tietjens Hütte, wo Peter und ich unsere deutsche Hochzeit gefeiert haben.


 Art by Paula Modersohn-Becker and Clara Westhoff
Kunst von Paula Modersohn-Becker und Clara Westhoff

 There is a funny story behind this art:

There are heads of cherubim by Clara Westhoff and floral ornaments by Paula Becker at the pendentives and the columns, connecting to the ceiling.[3] After in 1900 Westhoff and Becker, both then members of the artists' colony in Worpswede and still students, had rung the church bells for fun, which was generally understood as a fire alarm, they were fined.[3] They could not pay and were allowed to perform instead by way of offering these decorative elements to the church.  (Wikipedia)

Es gibt eine lustige Geschichte zur Entstehung dieser Kunst:

Die beiden Kunstschülerinnen Clara Rilke-Westhoff und Paula Modersohn-Becker hatten unbedachterweise im Jahre 1900 die Kirchenglocken der Zionskirche geläutet; was als Feueralarm missdeutet worden war. Ihre „Strafarbeiten“ waren Engelsputten unter der Emporendecke und Blumenornamente in den Zwickeln der Säulen auf den Emporen.[45] (Wikipedia)

Peat barge

 Copy of Mackensen's "Religious service in the Moorland"
Kopie von Mackensens "Gottesdienst im Moor"

 Grave of Hans am Ende, one of the artists here
Grab von Hans am Ende, einem der Künstler hier

 Grave of Paula Modersohn-Becker
Grab von Paula Modersohn-Becker

 Grave of Fritz Mackensen
Grab von Fritz Mackensen

 We are leaving the church and are walking towards the museums.
Wir verlassen die Kirche und gehen zu den Museen.

Bernhard Hoetger: Bonze of Humor
Bernhard Hoetger: Bonze des Humors

 Coffeehouse Crazy
Kaffee Verrückt

Cheese Bell


 Catholic church
Katholische Kirche


German bus
Deutscher Bus

You were not allowed to take pictures inside the museums.  To see Worpswede art, look here (scroll down to "notable people" and click on the names).

Man darf in den Museen nicht fotografieren, aber man kann die Worpsweder Kunst gut im Internet finden, z.B. hier.

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers.  My children had some beautiful flowers and cards for me today, but the internet connection is so bad that I cannot upload the pictures right now. 

Alles Gute zum Muttertag!  Meine Kinder hatten heute schöne Blumen und Karten für mich, aber die schlechte Internetverbindung läßt mich meine Fotos davon nicht hochladen.


  1. Happy Mother's Day, Eva. The gardens, the museum and the church are beautiful. You visit many graves in Germany! They all seem very friendly and a part of the town life :)

    1. Happy Mother's Day to you also! Yes, graves are like parks here, many people visit and the dead are part of our lives here. I do miss that in the U.S.


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